티스토리 뷰

카테고리 없음


와사비망고 2020. 2. 12. 18:08


The whole world is in trouble with the coronavirus.


For the perfect defense, I hope it will be done well overseas.


Google Play Distributed : since 2015-06 , Banned : 2020-03-16 , refer : https://www.forbes.com/sites/thomasbrewster/2020/03/24/google-bans-coronavirus-apps-but-after-400000-downloads/#3d83354534c0


NOW ONLY Distributed --> KOREA [ ONESTORE ] : https://www.onestore.co.kr/userpoc/apps/view?pid=0000746566




This application records my time and location on my phone.


If the patient's exposure to the community is released through the government and media,


It checks to see if I was there at that point ant that time


In addition, patient exposure information is shown on the map.




In the [ETC]-> Server Config section,


We'll add it to the app by default without adding it directly to the box that selects the server.


We accept applications from overseas media organizations or organizations.

EMAIL : croozfactory@gmail.com


If you contact me, I'll use my certification method to certify it. AND

Please send [server name and URL or IP ] and we will register it.